Tango Magazine
Space dedicated to the world of Tango. Interviews, performances, news and everything that revolves around the Argentine Tango.
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Gino Zambelli al Bandoneon-Cuarteto Pichuco con Ruben Peloni....
Gino Zambelli al Bandoneon-Cuarteto Pichuco con Ruben Peloni....
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Un gradito ritorno a SaintVincenTango Festival, Vivi La Falce....
Un gradito ritorno a SaintVincenTango Festival, Vivi La Falce....
Tango Magazine-A Saint...
Una Chiaccherata con Ruben Peloni a SaintVincenTango n.11....
Una Chiaccherata con Ruben Peloni a SaintVincenTango n.11....
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Orchestra Cuarteto Pichuco,con Ruben Peloni,a SaintVincenTangofestival n.11....
Orchestra Cuarteto Pichuco,con Ruben Peloni,a SaintVincenTangofestival n.11....
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Waiting for the Tango Magazine report with interviews and images of the Tango evening in piazza s. M...
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In Vado Ligure "I courtyards of the Tango" by Tango Indipendente. Los Guardiola....
In Vado Ligure "I courtyards of the Tango" by Tango Indipendente. Los Guardiola....
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The Passion of Tango Association hosted Los Hermans Macana....
The Passion of Tango Association hosted Los Hermans Macana....
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Final preparations for the PERFECT MILONGA 2016 in Pisa....
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Tano Tango Festival 2015 at the start. Ronda dei Maestri on the North Area Pier of Bagnoli....
Tano Tango Festival 2015 at the start. Ronda dei Maestri on the North Area Pier of Bagnoli....