TanoTangoFestival 2015
TanoTangoFestival 2015.
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Da " I Cortili del Tango 2015 " Anibal Castro y Griselda Bressan....
Da " I Cortili del Tango 2015 " Anibal Castro y Griselda Bressan....
Tango Magazine-Silvia ...
Dal 6° Festivalito 2015 a Lobbi, Matias Batista y Silvia Prieto....
Dal 6° Festivalito 2015 a Lobbi, Matias Batista y Silvia Prieto....
Tango Magazine-Marcela...
In attesa di tornare nelle milonghe continua la nostra rubrica "Rivediamoli insieme".E' la volta di ...
In attesa di tornare nelle milonghe continua la nostra rubrica "Rivediamoli insieme".E' la volta di ...
Tango Magazine-Rivivia...
Torniamo a Napoli e riviviamo l'atmosfera di TanoTangoFestival alla Milonga Porteña....
Torniamo a Napoli e riviviamo l'atmosfera di TanoTangoFestival alla Milonga Porteña....
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Tango Magazine-Ezequie...
Ezequiel Paludi y Geraldine Rojas, on the music of Tango Tinto orchestra and the voice of Ruben Pelo...
Ezequiel Paludi y Geraldine Rojas, on the music of Tango Tinto orchestra and the voice of Ruben Pelo...
Tango Magazine channel...
Space dedicated to the world of Tango. Interviews, performances, news and everything that revolves a...
Space dedicated to the world of Tango. Interviews, performances, news and everything that revolves a...
Tango Magazine -Milong...
Tango Magazine Milonga del Sio with Celeste Rey and Sebastian Nieva, with the music of Marco Dozio....
Tango Magazine Milonga del Sio with Celeste Rey and Sebastian Nieva, with the music of Marco Dozio....
12 Seconds of Perfect ...
A few seconds of the night of the Milonga Perfetta Harmony - Naples....
A few seconds of the night of the Milonga Perfetta Harmony - Naples....
Tango Magazine -Alessa...
Alessandro Francini, TJ Residence of the Milonga Blu in Florence, in Grande Encuentro De Tango XI....
Alessandro Francini, TJ Residence of the Milonga Blu in Florence, in Grande Encuentro De Tango XI....