Tango Magazine lands on TV.
Tango Magazine broadens horizons and lands on TV.
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Location,Accoglienza,Maestri,cosa contribuisce a fare Grande un Festival di Tango?...
Tango Magazine Intervi...
We meet Giuseppe Ivan Davide Di Giorgio, director of "The Right Choice" and of the Sequel "The Impos...
We meet Giuseppe Ivan Davide Di Giorgio, director of "The Right Choice" and of the Sequel "The Impos...
Tango Magazine - I Cor...
The Second Edition of "I Cortili Del Tango" was staged in Vado Ligure, organized by the Independent ...
The Second Edition of "I Cortili Del Tango" was staged in Vado Ligure, organized by the Independent ...
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For the Tango Magazine interviews we met Sandro 051 TJ....
For the Tango Magazine interviews we met Sandro 051 TJ....
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Carnevale alla Milonga del SIO. With The Guardiola....
Carnevale alla Milonga del SIO. With The Guardiola....